
Tasha’s away! No YIN class 19th and 26th March.

YIN starts Wednesdays 5.30pm and Sundays 6pm on 2nd April.

Yoga classes every day. All classes will be in heat and humidity at varying levels to protect and give us a safe space.

Bikram: 104 Heat / 40 Humidity

Bikram Ashtanga: 100 Heat/ 35 Humidity

Deep Yin: 78 Warm

Vinyasa: 98 Heat / 35 Humidity

For all classes- book below.

To be mindful of keeping the studio room sacred for everyone before, during and after practice, a few tips for all.

Silence in the room while prepping before class. Whispers are fine. Everyone is coming into their own mindset of time for self and we’d love to help honor that for everyone.

Come at least 10 mins before class to settle yourself in. This is good to not have late walk ins while class has started. If class has started, come in and set yourself easily, smoothly, quietly and join in.

Specifically for Bikram, once class starts, we are in a mindset space.
Drink water when in transition to postures, not during the posture as this is distracting to others who are in posture.

Try not to leave the room unless you need to visit the toilet. Walking in and out distracts the energy of the class.

If ever you feel it is too hot, too humid, non-stop thoughts in your head, stay. Allow the process of emotions to ride through. Take a short break and join in back again. You will be surprised how you are able to continue and move the mind. We all go through this in our practice. Which is part of doing the practice.

May you discover and love more of yourself here.