MAY 17th Friday 5pm
SLOW HATHA FLOW with Nicole Heath. An organic class, earthy and casual to fit the needs of the students of the day. A slowing down, centering and connecting to breath and alignment with her experience of Shivananda training and Iyenger influence.
MAY 26th Sunday 6pm
DANCE with Carl Karush!! An open hearted space to move, feel the music in your toes, your hips, your whole body and your heart. The only experience required: An open heart.
JUNE - Coming soon
PRANAYAMA workshop- The art of using Pranayama for different purposes to calm down, increase focus and clarity or open up channels in the body. 1 hour class workshop.
YIN YOGA - Every Sunday 6pm starting in June with Ana Hernandez.
JULY - Coming soon
Learning key asanas, body alignment and benefits of each pose. If you start falling in love with this yoga, come and deepen your practice.