More in Bikram
“The truth of Bikram yoga is it is the best selection of sequences and format any beginner can do that will catalyze transformation in body and mind, reconnecting your wires within you. A triple effect - detoxifying, energyzing, grounding. ”
The Bikram Series Benefits - The only system that irrigates all the systems of the body in every 90 min class. You utilize the body to its maximum capacity
A fixed series of 26 postures. These postures work to compress and stretch internal organs, increasing fresh oxygenated blood circulation to organs, which aids in detoxification, cleansing and ultimately, the effectiveness of organ functions.
There is specific reasons for the sequence, each has been crafted to follow the other in accordance with what has been opened and loosened before the next posture.
You do the same postures each time where this fixed form becomes a yardstick. You can see how your body changes in strength, ability or flexibility. Finally doing one posture right immediately improves another posture. Notice muscles on your body you never knew existed on your anatomy, as they come into being from your practice. Over time, you will experience and savor your evolution in becoming the greatest version of yourself, inside & out.
Little by little, over and over.. and then you’ll do more and more… The practice of Bikram is not about achieving the perfect final posture, but about trying your best to your ability where you can today. Do it the right way and you are already getting the benefits.
“Little by little.. over and over...”
“Do it the right way... ( even if it’s just 10% but the right way).. you are already getting the benefits”